Types, basics and techniques of anti-cellulite massage

Cellulite is a problem that worries women of all ages. One of the ways of prevention and treatment is considered to be a course of massage. What are the peculiarities of each technique of anti-cellulite massage? This and other useful information will be presented below.
Cellulite - causes, places of appearance
Cellulite is a pathological change that occurs in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. They lead to stagnation of fluid, metabolic products, lymph, disturbance of blood circulation, metabolism. As a result, the skin loses elasticity, acquires the surface of the so-called “orange peel”. Cellulite develops in the abdominal area – most often appears just below the navel. Subcutaneous deposits also form on the back and front surfaces of the thighs. Particularly affected is the so called halifa area. Cellulite is typical for the buttocks and even for the upper part of the shoulder girdle. The course of massage procedures is aimed at normalizing the metabolism, inflow/outflow of lymph, blood and intercellular fluid, activation of elastin and collagen production. The procedures include mechanical, reflexive influence on tissues of problematic areas. As a result, subcutaneous fatty tissue is enriched with oxygen, and cellulite foci with excess fluid and toxins are flushed out. Depending on the problem area, the degree of cellulite development, different variants of techniques are used. Such procedures solve the aesthetic problem, but for general recovery it is necessary not to forget about proper nutrition, quality of sleep, exercise. Contraindications:
- malignant tumors;
- open wounds;
- heart disease;
- atherosclerosis;
- tuberculosis;
- blood clotting problems;
- inflammatory processes;
- pregnancy;
- lactation, etc.
Stages and types of cellulite
There are four stages of cellulite. In the first stage, there is a slight swelling, possible enlargement of the thighs, increased sensitivity. At the second stage, the “orange peel” is noticeable with muscle tension. The skin begins to lose elasticity. The third stage involves the appearance of fat cells in the form of bunches. The bumpiness is noticeable without muscle tension. The fourth stage is rare. In some cases, painfulness is possible when compressing the skin. According to the form, cellulite is divided into firm, flaccid, edematous, mixed. Hard cellulite is characteristic of women at a young age. It can also appear in girls with an active lifestyle. Flaccid appears after 40 years of age, with low muscle tone. Edematous refers to rare forms. The lower extremities increase in volume, edema appears, the skin becomes pale, thin. Mixed includes signs of other forms.
What types of anti-cellulite massage are there?
The basics of anti-cellulite massage involve the division of procedures into manual and apparatus. In both cases, the main goal is to stimulate cellular metabolism by stroking, exposure to an electromagnetic field. There is also the following division:
Superficial General. The procedure involves rubbing, stroking in the direction of the lymph nodes. In the process, the lymph capillaries are activated.
Anticellulite local. Includes kneading, rubbing and stroking of problem areas. The main objective is to improve the functioning of the lymphatic channel manifolds and nodes.
Local therapeutic. The procedure involves rubbing, kneading influences. This category includes massage with honey and algae extracts. Such procedures help to remove toxins and detoxes.
For a more rapid effect, the process is often accompanied by the use of special ointments, gels, and scrubs. The masseur must not only know the basics of anti-cellulite massage, but also have knowledge about the location of organs and lymph nodes.
Anti-cellulite massage technique: basic steps
All types of anti-cellulite massage involve a preliminary warming up of the body, aimed at activating blood circulation. To soften the skin, essential oils and massage gels with therapeutic effect can be applied. The massage therapist affects exclusively the surface of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with a slight touch on the muscles. There are 6 effective anti-cellulite techniques:
- stroking;
- squeezing;
- rubbing;
- pressing;
- patting;
- gripping.
The stroking technique involves gentle action on the skin with your fingertips. This technique is used at the beginning of the procedure and at the end. Such movements effectively disperse blood through the capillaries. Squeezing is similar to stroking. But the movements here are more rhythmic and with greater force.
Squeezing engages not only the skin, but also affects the connective tissue, the hypodermis. Similar movements are recommended to do in the direction of the lymphatic vessels – from the bottom upwards in the direction of the heart.
The rubbing technique has a positive effect on the tone of the skin. It helps to remove excess fluid from the intercellular space and helps eliminate fat deposits. In the foot area, the rubbing is done from the bottom up. On the thighs, the movements should be circular. Rubbing is not recommended if you have a large number of superficial veins. It is also contraindicated if the capillaries are brittle.
Pressure – the action can be directed on the surface and deep layers of the skin. The first option involves pulling back and lowering the skin. As a result it becomes much softer. The second method covers a significant area due to the massage movements of both hands. Outwardly, such manipulations resemble kneading dough. Pressing has a positive effect on the tone of the muscles.
The technique of patting involves a succession of strokes of varying strength. They are made with the joints of the fingers clenched in a fist, or with the fingertips.
Gripping – such movements have a positive effect on the connective tissue and activate the lymphatic and blood vessels.
There are also other techniques. Pump technique involves applying pressure to the skin with the fingers, and then the palms of the hands. Massaging is carried out with oval smooth movements in the direction of the chest. The scoop technique implies using the wrist with the support of the fingers. The movement of the hands here is similar to a corkscrew. The rotational technique involves applying pressure with the thumb. Then circular movements are made with the remaining fingers in the direction of the lymph flow. The list of techniques used depends on the skill level of the masseur.